Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!

Today, the St. John's Lutheran Church Haiti Servant Team was thrown a curve ball (a snowy one) thanks to the wintry weather to the north.  Just prior to our departure to the airport, we learned that we would be staying yet another day.  The excitement on Bert's, Roberta's, and Debbie's faces was underwhelming.  This is the first time in 10 years this has happened, they said.  We filled the time with small projects around Hope House, a trip out to the Health Center, and another trip to the grocery store.

In the late afternoon, a rousing game of dominoes was played.  Apparently Debbie W. is quite the dominoes shark, taking 3 out of 4 games.  She's still on probation status - we're not sure she'll be allowed to return with us!  We also got creative with the libations.  One of the female members of our team was the instigator (not Sarah!).  She bought mango flavored rum that we mixed with mango juice, pineapple juice, and fresh citron (like key limes).

Tomorrow we are going to do it all over again - minus the staying in Haiti part.  We have the same flights scheduled for tomorrow as we did today.  We appreciate any and all prayers for a safe and uneventful trip home.

The kitchen crew - Ken, Tom, Bert, Scott, and Richard - with their new upper cabinets.

Yvette, Christine, Ken, Linda, Richard, Sarah, Liz, and Saron - the meds packaging team.

Christine, Debbie, and Sarah in front of the veranda they painted.

Greer, Jim, Debbie, and Liz in front of the freshly painted depot.

Our fearless leaders - Debbie, Roberta, and Bert.

playing dominoes


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