Saturday, February 14, 2015

Day 4 - Happy Valentine's Day from Haiti!

First off we want to thank Nilah for the delicious Valentine sugar cookies, Retha for the Hershey's kisses (Richard shared), Saron for the Valentine cupcakes, and Sarah for the Valentines she made for everyone.  

Today was another full court press in being a servant.  The painting teams made good progress with the veranda team finishing their project and the depot team is 80% done.  We've gone through 25 gallons of paint.  The kitchen experts removed the old island and installed the new and did major plumbing work to replace the drainage pipe from the kitchen sink.  They had a very interesting discovery of a lizard fossil under the old island.  The depot crew encountered the first snake (just a little garden one) and Liz was attacked by biting red ants.  Debbie also survived painting the eaves of the veranda a midst many daddy long legs.  We've been wondering about her - she's been spinning a lot of webs.  There was also a friendly gecko who watched her intently as she worked.  No Geico commercials were filmed, however. We continue to shock and awe Bert on our ability to accomplish great tasks.  We've already exceeded  his expectations.  God has truly blessed our team!

We had a chance to go to the local market today.  The road to get there was like a motor-cross road. Jim was wishing he had his GS1200 BMW.  Tom had previously said you could lose a small Fiat in the "puddles." We bought Haitian vanilla, almond, coffee, rum, treats, and Cuban cigars.  

For all the painters whose muscles were aching, Saron shared her gift of massage with them.  She worked out our aches and pains, joyfully.  

Tomorrow we will attend a Haitian church service.  The pastor's wife is the housekeeper at the medical center and friends with Bert and Roberta.  We are all looking forward to this unique experience despite finding out we will be sitting in the front row.  After church we will have lunch out and then visit the Earthquake Memorial.

See you tomorrow!

Below are some photos from the day!

Jim and Greer painting the depot.

The motor-cross road.

Debbie battling the spiders to paint the veranda.

Saron, Jim, Tom, and Debbie by the depot.

Jim and Debbie painting the depot.

Tom and Scott repairing the broken drain pipe.

The lizard carcass.

Saron sharing her gift of massage with Jim.


  1. WOW that is blue paint! We're trying not to get blown away here - hoping you have a nice breeze instead and a great Sunday worship tomorrow!

    Mary L.

  2. I must first share that it is -6 here this morning. Yikes! Way to go SJLC Servant Teams! I'm loving the team approach to "gett'n 'er done!" No task is too big for our crew. You all deserved those market treats after your productive day. It sounds like Saron's massages are taking over the lime light from yoga. I'll have to come next year to join with Saron and provide the yoga treats. "Breathe Tom!" :-) Hugs to you all!

  3. Sounds like you guys are doing a lot of great work! I miss being there with the team! I was sad to hear about the truck... :( but it looks like the good times are still being had :) cant wait to read more, keep up the good work!
    -Diana H.
