Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Day 1 - The SJLC Servant Team Returns to Haiti

We have arrived in Haiti after a safe day of travel. Our team is already working well together as we successfully performed all the logistics associated with transporting 26 suitcases, equivalent to 1,300 pounds, of education, hygiene, medical, and office supplies were brought with us.  Thank you to everyone for their generous donations.  All of these supplies will be greatly appreciated by all who receive them.

In Haiti, we once again learned that nothing happens fast and we need to have a lot of patience!  It took us almost as long to go from the airport to Hope House as it did to fly here from JFK in New York.  Despite the length of time to arrive at Hope House, we are thankful that we were even able to be picked up at the airport since over the last two days the city has been shut down due to a strike by the tap-tap (taxi) drivers over the cost of gasoline.  Whereas in the rest of the world, the prices of gas has been going down, in Haiti, they have been rising.  The Haitian government is very dependent on the revenue from gasoline.  More strikes are planned, but hopefully it will not impact our mission.  Don't worry, we are all safe and will continue to be so.

We spent the remainder of the afternoon recharging our batteries from a long day of travel and getting to know one another.  Our team consists of 13 people from four states and eight different congregations!

Everyone is excited about our planned activities for the week which include time out at Village of Hope School, spending time with school children, performing tasks at the Health Center, and the big project will be remodeling the kitchen at Hope House.

Liz laid out our plan for devotions for the week to which we will all share leading each evening.  Liz indicated that she also has planned a washing of the feet so that will be interesting.  We all feel very energized by being in Haiti and the enthusiasm we all have to serve the Lord in fellowship together.

More to come tomorrow!  Believe it or not, it's time for bed!


  1. Glad you all made it. Any noticeable changes from last year? Thanks for the update! Can't wait to hear about the first full day!

  2. I just finished using the prayer tent for day 2. You guys are all covered. It's supposed to start getting reeeeeally cold here. Enjoy the warmth for us. Hugs all around!!!

  3. It's so awesome that SJLC can send a servant team to Haiti! What a special gift we can all be a part of! Thank you all!
