Monday, May 17, 2010

Another Powerful Day

Today was another powerful day for our mission team - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Physically we once again were challenged with an extremely hot and humid day as we handed out the care packages to the students. We started the day at The Village of Hope School participating in the upper grades morning assembly which included songs, prayers, and praises to God. Our mission team was introduced to the school and we were welcomed with songs of joy. Following the assembly we quickly broke into teams to distribute the care packages to all the classes which meant delivering about 640 packages! We went to each class, distributed the bags where staff and students were extremely happy and appreciative. They sang songs of thanks for us in English! Most of us walked signficant miles in conditions that would compete with Washington, D.C.'s hottest, most humid day! We also experienced eating in the school's lunchroom and experiencing a typical Haitian meal of beans and rice with fish sauce. For many of these kids, this may be the only meal they eat all day. Our time at the school ended with a parade in honor of flag day which is tomorrow. The students marched and sang as they waved their flags. The highlight for returning veterans of last year's trip was seeing kids who remembered us as those who gave them new shoes last year. They would excitedly point to their shoes as we interacted with them!

The day continued with an emotional experience for many. We visited the Little Children of Jesus Home for the Disabled at their new facility. Those of us that were here last year were excited to see the improved, spacious conditions. All of these children have profound physical and/or mental disabilities. However, they were full of love and joy and tons of energy! We played ball and made balloon hats and animals with the children. With those not able to engage with us due to their disabilities, many of our team went around touching and tickling them in a nurturing, caring way. All of us walked away with greater appreciation for life. We even recognized some children that we met last year!

We returned to Hope House and finished the job that even Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs would have gagged at!

Our evening concluded with an emotional exchange of feelings and reflections which was cathartic for us all.

We'll catch up with you tomorrow! Haiti out!


  1. Jim must be in his glory - he loves to sweat!! Thinking of you all and the great work you're doing! Mary

  2. Very cool, about the shoes!

  3. do you think some bottled fish sauce would make it back through customs and then if it did, would it be appreciated by family members as next year's Christmas gifts? or should be stick with the tin and photos?

  4. Thanks Sarah for keeping us updated. You are doing such wonderful work. Can hardly wait to talk to you!
    The Mom
