Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Another Day of Service

Today started out much like yesterday - slow - as one of our translators, who is usually punctual, was not here on time. There was much concern given the threat of protests, the gas shortage, and general safety. Thankfully, Jennifer arrived after we had just left the compound and we were able to scoop her up. She had been unable to find a tap-tap (cab) and took a moto instead. We had another "haha" moment when we arrived for VBS and discovered we had forgotten the 125 peanut butter sandwiches. This same team, two days before, forgot the arts and crafts. What we lacked in planning, we made up for with an awesome VBS. There were 65 kids and several adults that attended. The translators got everyone's attention as usual and built up excitement. We followed up with our skit and the kids re-enacted it with help from the interpreters. Then there were crafts and sports. Since we forgot the sandwiches, Bensound was sent out to get what he could find as we could not leave without giving them something. We ended up handing out crackers with the juice and then their goody bags.

We returned to the Village of Hope and had lunch. We enjoyed rice and beans today with fish sauce and pikliz (pickled, spicy veggies). Some of us stuck with the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Everybody then broke up into their teams - outside painting team, the inside painting team, and the hook hanging team. The external painting team used a vibrant, Caribbean blue which can be seen from a distance. The inside painting team finished the interior walls of the upstairs, this time with less help and less mess! The hook team was unable to finish today but the teachers in the rooms where they did finish were thrilled with the hooks and the organization they provide.  We had to leave early due to rumors that protests had begun near our route home and we wanted to be safe in the compound. Fortunately, we made it back with no troubles, just a lot of traffic.

A peaceful protest has been planned for tomorrow so we will be staying in the compound. We will stay busy with bagging meds, plumbing projects, and whatever else Rob and Trish can find for us to do. We will most likely not have internet tomorrow since the government controls it. Remember, no news from us is good news. Please include the country of Haiti and its people in your prayers.


1 comment:

  1. Praying for you all in Haiti and that God’s hedge of protection will be obvious.
